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Intro to Tai Chi

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese exercise or art for the harmony of mind and body (and nature). It is a system of meditation, physical coordination, health, self-defense and consciousness raising. It is of extreme value for attaining longevity, eliminating tension, increasing physical, spiritual and mental well being as well as an effective means of self-defense.

Our classes in Tai Chi consist of learning a Tai Chi form (which is a slow, relaxing, graceful series of movements based on animal behavior) plus the fundamentals of chi, chi kung, Taoist breathing and meditation, self-defense applications, philosophy, I-Ching, and more).

7 week series | Sunday's 2-330p
Jan 12, 19, 26

Feb 2, 9, 16, 23
2-230 meditation, warm up, and review
230-330p Tai Chi Series

Series $89 | $20 drop ins

Later Event: February 28
Yoga Anatomy 101