class descriptions

New to YOGA?

  • Our basics class is designed to introduce you to the foundations of a traditional yoga practice. This class is intended to prepare you for our mixed levels classes, but don't worry about boredom if you already have a practice. The instructor will encourage you to add whatever you need to make the practice your own. This class is designed for all levels and offers props and modifications to accommodate different needs.

  • This is a set series practice consisting of 26 poses that systematically work every muscle, tendon, ligament, organ, gland, cell, and joint in the body while simultaneously improving concentration, patience, and determination.

    The class is structured in five parts: warm-up to prepare the whole body, balancing series to improve balance and stamina, standing poses to open and strengthen hips, spine strengthening to improve spine health, and seated floor poses to open knees and chest.

    This class is highly recommended for both new and experienced practitioners. The room is heated, so please bring a YOGA mat, towel, and water.

  • Barkan Method is a set series, making it a great class for newer and experienced vinyasa yoga practitioners. Repetition can be very beneficial - newer students can quickly identify progress in their practice, while regular practitioners can entirely drop into their bodies and move mindfully with the class.

    This class primarily focuses on vinyasa, but incorporates some of the static practice from the traditional Hot 26 series. The room is heated, so please bring a YOGA mat, towel, and water.

Ready to level up?

  • If you understand the basics of a vinyasa yoga practice or have been practicing for a decade, this class is for you! In this class, you can expect to learn and practice breathwork to calm the nervous system, alignment and mindful-based practices that safely strengthen the body, accessible inversion and arm balance techniques, and yoga philosophy in today's terms.

    The class ends with calming and cooling floor stretches to open your hips, shoulders, and back. You will leave the class feeling like you have pushed your body and nurtured it simultaneously. The room is heated, so please bring a yoga mat, towel, and water.

  • Vin to Yin combines two yoga practices - Vin (short for vinyasa) and Yin. Vinyasa is a strong yoga practice that strings together poses to strengthen your body, improve your balance, and build your stamina. Yin is a restorative practice that focuses on opening the hips, shoulders, back, and chest.

    In Vin to Yin, the class starts with a strong vinyasa flow so that when it's time to hit the floor for long-held restorative poses, you feel completely able to surrender. Basic knowledge of vinyasa yoga is recommended. The room is heated, so please bring a yoga mat, towel, and water.

  • Looking for a perfectly rounded fitness class that combines YOGA, cardio, and strength training? YOGAfit might just be what you need. This class is designed to enhance your fitness regimen while still providing the benefits of a solid yoga practice. Regardless of your fitness level, you are welcome to join us. We offer variations for each movement to ensure you find what works best for your body.

  • As life gets busier, making time for self-care practices like yoga is crucial. That's why we offer a 45-minute Power YOGA class that's perfect for those who want to enjoy the benefits of yoga without sacrificing too much of their schedule.

    The class starts with an uninterrupted movement practice to push and motivate you. Thanks to the instructor's expertise, you'll have enough time for a quick cool down and savasana at the end. This makes it an ideal way to enjoy a complete yoga practice without taking too much of your day.